With a total area of more than 300 m2, Phacogen Institute of Technology 's laboratory was built and designed to meet the Laboratory of Biosafety Standards Level 2 (BSL-2) according to Decree No. 103/2016/ND-CP and aimed to ISO 15189:2012. Our laboratory, equipped with computer systems and modern equipment from the world's leading technology firms, is the first laboratory for research and application in molecular biology. The laboratory specializes in research into genetic analysis, reproduction support, cancer, cardiovascular, DNA genetic and infectious diseases. Regarding Training and Technology Transfer at Phacogen, members and experts will implement, transfer techniques and train new techniques related to molecular and cell biology in person.

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is a massively parallel sequencing technology that offers ultra-high throughput, scalability, and speed. The technology is used to determine the order of nucleotides in entire genomes or targeted regions of DNA or RNA. NGS has revolutionized the biological sciences, allowing labs to perform a wide variety of applications and study biological systems at a level never before possible. Today's complex genomics questions demand a depth of information beyond the capacity of traditional DNA sequencing technologies. NGS has filled that gap and become an everyday tool to address these questions.

Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometry is a technology that provides rapid multi-parametric analysis of single cells in solution. Flow cytometers utilize lasers as light sources to produce both scattered and fluorescent light signals that are read by detectors such as photodiodes or photomultiplier tubes. These signals are converted into electronic signals that are analyzed by a computer and written to a standardized format (.fcs) data file. Cell populations can be analyzed and/or purified based on their fluorescent or light scattering characteristics.

Modern Equipment

Advanced Technology