Friday, 25/03/2022 | 22:00

Brief summary of Course "Application of Real-time PCR technique in detecting sexually transmitted agents (HPV & STD)"

After two days of studying and practicing at the Phacogen Institute of Technology's Lab, students successfully completed the Final Competency Assessment and received the certificate.

Table of contents

During the course, Dr. Nguyen Manh Truong - Lecturer at Hanoi Medical University; Head of Training Department, Tropical Diseases Research and Training Institute, Central Hospital for Tropical Diseases has provided extremely useful and practical knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases. As one of the most common diseases in Vietnam and around the world, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) leave many complications, sequelae and serious consequences.

Besides, lecturer Nguyen Thi Duong - Field Application Specialist has brought detailed instructions on how to analyze and read Real time PCR test results and answer students' questions during the process of detection and analysis; how to analyze and handle common errors.

At the end of the course, the Director of Phacogen Institute of Technology – Dr.Nguyen Hoang Hiep highly appreciated the professionalism, significance and quality of this course. 100% of participants have passed the final competency assessment.

In the coming time, Phacogen Institute of Technology will continue to offer such courses, meeting the demand of improving knowledge and updating the world's leading technology for Vietnamese medical staff.

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